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Fun with Imagination


  • Do I need to register before attending?
    WELCOME TO OUR GROUP! No, you don't have to register before attending! Please join us at any public meetup or public event to see if you will enjoy our group. You can attend up to three Thursday meetings or additional calendar events before deciding to register. (Please note: Occasionally, we may have member-exclusive events for our registered members.)
  • Can I bring all of my children?
    Yes! All ages are welcome, from infants and toddlers through high school students! We will have access to Pikes Peak Christian Church's nursery, and we are happy to bring some helpful items into our meeting area during our Thursday meetups at the church.
  • Do I have to attend every Thursday?
    No. You don't have to commit to attending every Thursday. While we want you to feel welcome and make deeper connections with other homeschooling families, we understand that you may not be able to attend every meeting. We will also have other activities, gatherings, and field trips at various times, dates, and locations.
  • Can I arrive late or leave early?
    Yes! While we hope you can stay and enjoy speakers, activities, and fellowship, we also understand that some people may need to arrive late or leave early. If you are attending a workshop, but need to leave early, we ask that you are considerate of others by sitting near the back or near an exit so you can slip out with minimal interruption.
  • Can I drop off my children?
    We are not set up to accept drop offs. Therefore, parents or guardians will need to attend meetups and events with their children. Besides, we want to get to know you too! 😀 (Parents are responsible for their children.)
  • Do we need to be a member of Pikes Peak Christian Church?
    No... We welcome ALL homeschool families! We are truly grateful for Pikes Peak Christian Church's graciousness in allowing us to meet at their church on Thursdays and want to show our thankfulness by keeping the facilities clean and maintained. We thank you for being respectful and helping us care for the space they have allowed us to use! Our beliefs and statement of faith align with Pikes Peak Christian Church (see our "Expectations & Statement of Faith" page).
  • Why do you want us to RSVP?
    We appreciate your thoughtfulness by RSVPing. Your responses will help us plan for the appropriate setup and supplies. They will also help us prepare for upcoming events (and cancel if there is insufficient interest). In addition, knowing of your planned attendance allows us to check if you are okay and if you need prayer or assistance if you don't make it to an event you planned to attend. RSVPing is easy! You can let us know by commenting on the Facebook group events/posts, on our website calendar, or (if you are a registered member) by responding "# planning to attend" to our weekly group text reminders. Choose the method that works best for you!
  • Will there be other activities planned in addition to Thursdays?
    Yes! We are working on scheduling field trips, hikes, and gatherings for moms, couples, and families. This is your group, too, and we would love your help! Please share your ideas and suggestions with us or help us plan upcoming activities, gatherings, field trips, hikes, or events! You are welcome to talk with us, message us, or email us.
  • Do you offer classes?
    When we meet on Thursdays at Pikes Peak Christian Church, we usually meet as a group, pray, and engage in a large group activity. So far, we have created sand art, painted with watercolors, dissected owl pellets, played games, had mom discussions while our children play a supervised group game, and more! As interests are expressed and individual members seek to use their talents to help out at CHC, God may open doors for us to offer specialized courses. We can't wait to see God's plans continue to unfold as He continually works in and through our group!
  • Do you plan on hosting any special events?
    We are prayerfully considering options like a homeschool graduation. Please let us know if you have any special event suggestions for us to consider or if you would like to help us organize an event!



Enjoy fellowship, activities, etc.

at Pikes Peak Christian Church

4955 Bradley Rd., Colorado Springs, CO 80911

2:30 - 4:00 pm




(Additional meetups and field trips will be held at various locations.)

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